Deborah Steven
Lead Pharmacist Pain Management, Queen Margaret Hospital, Dunfermline
About Deborah Steven
Debs has been working in the area of pain management for approximately 15 years within NHS Fife and a qualified supplementary & independent prescriber for over 12 years. She previously was a Community Pharmacist with Boots The Chemists and a Teacher-Practitioner with John Moores University School of Pharmacy, Liverpool before returning to her roots in Fife in 2002 as a GP Practice Pharmacist. During this time she developed an interest in pharmacological aspects of pain management and went on to work closely with Physiotherapy colleagues to develop a primary care based pain programme for patients with chronic pain called “RIVERS”. Close involvement with service development lead to an Integrated Pain Management Service across primary and secondary care in NHS Fife . In 2009 she relinquished the Practice Pharmacy aspects of her role to focus completely within the pain service where endeavours to drive safe and effective prescribing in Pain across all sectors in NHS Fife. She has collaborated on SIGN 136 Management of Chronic Pain (2012) and the Joint Scottish Government & NHS document - Quality prescribing for Chronic Pain- A Guide for Improvement 2018-2021. She has an MSc in Pain Management, is an e-tutor for Postgraduate Pharmacy Courses at Robert Gordon’s University and is beginning to dip her toes into the area of research.