Leadership within Advanced Practice
The Clinical Leadership Coaching and Advisory Service
Leadership Programmes from the NHS Leadership Academy
The Mary Seacole programme
The Rosalind Franklin programme
School for Change Agents
Leading with Compassion and Kindness
Regional NHS Leadership Academies
The Rosalind Franklin programme
Leadership within Advanced Practice
To support our members with their Advanced Practice journey we will be posting information and links to some relevant resources about Leadership. These include those that are NHS specific but also non-NHS.
If any of our members, particularly those in other countries or outside of the NHS, have experience of and can recommend additional resources, please share with us by emailing us on admin@appn.org.uk. If you are able to, please provide a short synopsis on the qualities of the courses/resources, why you recommend and how they have shaped your leadership journey. With your permission we would like to feature these examples in Horizon and on the Leadership webpage.
The Clinical Leadership Coaching and Advisory Service
The Clinical Leadership Coaching and Advisory Service (CLCAS) was launched by NHS England and NHS Improvement in late 2019 and began in February 2020 with the aim of:
- Coaching aspiring clinical leaders to better understand their career path; take a planned approach to their careers that helps them secure leadership roles and utilise their skills, abilities and values
- Equipping aspiring clinical leaders with tools and resources that give them the best opportunity of securing an executive role and aid them in successfully navigating the appointment process to board
- And ultimately increasing the number of clinicians in senior executive roles
This multiagency and multilevel plan aims to address the barriers and leverage the enablers that clinicians encounter in stepping into senior executive roles.
The open sessions will explore the Coaching & Advisory Service purpose and benefits. John Hunter who developed and runs the service will be available to answer your questions and queries. For any queries please contact us via email emma.marrison-taylor@england.nhs.uk
Leadership Programmes from the NHS Leadership Academy
The Edward Jenner programme will support you as you develop essential leadership skills; open to all, this programme leads to an NHS Leadership Academy award in Leadership Foundations. The programme has been designed with health and care staff, for everyone working in a health and care context. Highly practical and patient-focused, it’s a great way to understand the purpose, challenges and culture of the NHS. https://www.leadershipacademy.nhs.uk/programmes/the-edward-jenner-programme/
Edward Jenner Programme – Leadership Academy
The programme will support you as you develop essential leadership skills. The programme is structured in two levels which cover, for example, the following topics: Open to all, this programme is for anyone wanting to improve their teamwork and develop foundational leadership skills or aspiring to …
The Mary Seacole programme is the NHS Leadership Academy’s most popular 6-month leadership development programme, designed in partnership with global experts, recently refreshed and delivered by experienced facilitators to develop your knowledge and skills in leadership and management. For first time leaders in healthcare. It’s for you if you are in a ‘formal’ position of leadership with responsibilities for people and services, and able to relate what you learn to your workplace.
Mary Seacole programme – Leadership Academy
We are pleased to announce that recruitment to the recently-refreshed Mary Seacole programme is open. Please note that workshops will be delivered virtually for the time being. Our most popular 6-month leadership development programme, designed in partnership with global experts, recently refreshed …
The Rosalind Franklin programme will support you to become outstanding innovators, leaders, and team members working across the health and care system, to help improve services for people and communities that access them. The programme is for mid-level leaders aspiring to lead large and complex programmes, departments, services or systems. https://www.leadershipacademy.nhs.uk/programmes/rosalind-franklin-programme/
Rosalind Franklin Programme – Leadership Academy
Applications for the programme are currently closed, however we will be re-opening applications for further cohorts in due course. Please keep an eye on our website for further updates or register your interest here The Rosalind Franklin programme will support you to become outstanding innovators, leaders, and team members working across the health and care system, to help improve services for …
School for Change Agents
Do you want to make a difference in your organisation? On this course, you will build the skills, confidence, and supportive community needed to create change in an evolving environment. You will learn how to become a change agent by generating new ideas, pushing the boundaries, and leading others to do the same in your organisation. You will understand what drives you to create change, how to take action, and how to improve your approaches based on feedback. By completing this course, you will discover your potential to make a difference with a community of like-minded individuals. https://horizonsnhs.com/school/
Leading with Compassion and Kindness
This free introductory three-week course is for anyone working in or interested in health and social care in its broadest sense, regardless of sector, experience, or role.
An introduction to leading with kindness and compassion in health and social care | The King’s Fund
This introductory three-week course is for anyone working in or interested in health and social care in its broadest sense, regardless of sector, experience, or role. working in health and social care, regardless of sector, role or seniority a leader in the NHS, local government, independent and …
Regional NHS Leadership Academies
Each region has its own website with resources, some of which are available locally only, others are open online to all. The North West NHS Leadership Academy website has a wealth of resources which can be accessed by all, including these Leadership Masterclasses: https://www.nwacademy.nhs.uk/discover/videos-podcasts
Videos & Podcasts | NHS North West Leadership Academy
Leadership Masterclass | Taking the power to make change happen with Helen Bevan. Watch back the first in a series of virtual Collaborative Masterclasses: Taking the power to make ch…