CSP Headquarters are re-locating

The CSP has been based at 14 Bedford Row, a prestigious address and a beautiful historic building, since the 1960s. However it no longer meets our needs or reflects our modern profession and Council has made a decision to seek alternative premises.

For almost two years, we have been reviewing how the building is used by staff and members and considering different options for reconfiguring or redeveloping the space. It is not an accessible building, which goes against our very ethos as physiotherapists; and it’s a big building – too big now that we work more flexibly, more local to our members, and that we can make the best use of technology.

We have concluded that the best solution will be to lease or sell 14 Bedford Row and move our head office to another central London premises that better needs our current and future needs. We don’t yet know where that will be, but we do know that it will be fully accessible and provide a range of working accommodation, including space for meetings, and for members.

It is unlikely that any move will happen before the second half of next year, but we will keep you informed and involved as our plans develop.

I understand that many of us feel an emotional attachment to 14 Bedford Row and it will be sad to leave, but this move is critical to the future of our profession and the organisation. My mission has been to modernise the CSP and ensure its sustainability and this work is supporting us to do just that.

We will be informing the wider membership of this news later this week, and more details will become available in the new year. In the meantime, if you or your network members have questions, please do get in touch.

 With kind regards


Karen Middleton

CSP chief executive