CSP : Call for abstract reviewers and moderators

The CSP are pleased to announce the Abstract Reviewers Survey for Physiotherapy UK 2021 is now open!

Physiotherapy UK hosted by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) is recruiting for two important roles:

  1. Reviewers for abstract submissions
  1. Abstract moderation group members

to oversee the peer review process (three positions are available to fill in an established group of five members)

If you have experience in reviewing abstracts and a track record of publications/presentations, and would like to act as a reviewer/abstract moderation group member, please respond to this survey (deadline 5 March 2021).

The review process runs from 26 March – 19 April 2021.

If you want to ask any questions please contact Waheeda Aadam, Programme Co-ordinator: aadamw@csp.org.uk

Many thanks and we look forward to receiving your survey soon.

Our call for focused symposia 2021 is now open, click here for further information

Kind regards,

The Physiotherapy UK Team

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