APPN Research
Are you a MSK physiotherapist trained in Making Every Contact Count Healthy Conversation Skills?
Please consider taking part in a study, funded by University of Bath and HEE, exploring perceptions and experiences delivering MECC.
For more information, please contat
This research is funded by Health Education England and the University of Bath, and my supervisors include Dr Wendy Lawrence (University of Southampton), Mr Em Rahman (Health Education England), Dr David Wainwright (University of Bath), Dr Elaine Wainwright (Bath Spa University), and Dr Nick Townsend (University of Bath). I am evaluating the Wessex model of ‘Making Every Contact Count’ (incorporating ‘Healthy Conversation Skills’) for MSK physiotherapists and service users. I will investigate whether this brief behaviour change intervention is acceptable and effective for these groups. Currently, there is published research to support its use in a limited number of other services but not within MSK services. I am very interested in exploring how MECC might promote MSK health as MSK conditions continue to be a growing public health concern.
My research project comprises two phases:
1) An online survey, inviting members of staff in all roles that are already trained in MECC. This survey will explore perceptions of MECC and how it is currently being implemented across services, including MSK services
Follow up interviews will invite MSK physiotherapists only, to investigate how they use MECC to support behaviour change in MSK service users. I’d also like to explore their perceived barriers to delivering it. This study has received full Health Research Authority ethical approval and is now live. It will inform future roll out of MECC in MSK services.
2) An intervention evaluation, inviting MSK physiotherapists that have not already been trained in MECC. This will involve both an outcomes and process evaluation for staff and MSK service users. The protocol for this study is still being developed and approvals are yet to be granted, but if you are interested in finding out more then please do let me know and I can provide more information. We plan to start this research next Easter and it would be a brilliant opportunity for physios to receive MECC HCS training and take part in a before and after intervention study.
Any support with this research would be greatly appreciated. I can provide you with more information as required.
With many thanks and best wishes,
Amelia Parchment
Lead Researcher
University of Bath